زهرة الياسمين: التعريف بها، أنواعها، زراعتها، الإعتناء بها

Picture of jasmine flower

زهرة الياسمين، بجمالها الأخّاذ وعطرها الفواح، تعتبر رمزًا للنقاء والرومانسية في جميع الثقافات حول العالم. وهذه الزهرة البيضاء الرقيقة تزين الحدائق وتضفي لمسة سحرية على الطبيعة؛ ونحن في موقع عالم النباتات WORLD OF PLANTS قمنا بالتعريف يزهرة الياسمين ثم قمنا بتحديد الموطن الأصلي لها، ثم حددنا أنواع نبات الياسمين الأنسب للزراعة المنزلية، ثم وضحنا طرق زراعة زهرة الياسمين وكيفية الإعتناء بها، والكثير من الأمور الأخرى الخاصة بزهرة الياسمين التي يهتم بها قارئ موقعنا الكريم.

Introduction to the jasmine flower

زهرة الياسمين هي نبات مزهر ينتمي للعائلة الزيتونية، من جنس الياسمين، وهو جنس يضم حوالي 200 نوع من الشجيرات المزهرة ذات الرائحة العطرية، والكروم المتسلقة، والتي عادة ما تزرع كنبات زينة. يتميز نبات الياسمين بفروعه المتسلقة، وتأتي أزهاره بعدة ألوان كالأبيض، والأصفر، ونادرًا ما تأتي باللون الوردي. تكون الأزهار ذات شكل أنبوبي مفصص يشبه المروحة، وقد تكون أوراقه دائمة الخضرة أو متساقطة الأوراق اعتمادًا على الصنف.

The original home of the jasmine flower

الموطن الأصلي لنبات زهرة الياسمين هو المناطق الاستوائية وبعض المناطق المعتدلة في العالم القديم. تنتشر زراعة الياسمين في فرنسا، وإسبانيا، وإيطاليا، والعديد من دول شمال إفريقيا والشرق الأوسط.

Types of jasmine plants most suitable for home cultivation

1. الياسمين الأبيض

A climbing plant that grows moderately quickly, and its flowers are white with a beautiful aromatic scent. It usually needs a sturdy support to hold it up, such as a trellis if grown outdoors, or a collar when grown in a planting container. This species usually stops flowering during the winter.

2. الياسمين العربي

It grows in the form of vines or climbing plants, but its growth rate is slower than white jasmine. It has white flowers with a beautiful aroma and shiny green leaves.

3. الياسمين المبهرج

A slow-growing species whose plants entwine attractively around trellises when grown in planting containers. Its beautiful yellow flowers bloom from spring until the beginning of summer.

4. الياسمين الشتوي

A fast-growing plant that needs sturdy support when grown in planting containers. Its yellow flowers usually appear at the end of winter, and they do not have any aromatic scent. They grow profusely and are larger than most other jasmine flowers.

5. الياسمين الوردي

A fast-growing plant, it quickly covers a support or trellis with its glossy green leaves and clusters of pink flowers mixed with some white. Its flowering season extends from the end of winter until most of spring, and it has a distinctively strong aromatic scent.

Methods of growing jasmine flower

أولاً:- زراعة زهرة الياسمين بواسطة الأشتال

The following steps can be followed to plant jasmine flower seedlings:

  1. Choose the type of jasmine you want to grow, as there are many varieties of jasmine, each of which has different characteristics.
  2. Gently remove the jasmine seedling from its pot, prepare a hole that is twice the size of the seedling's root ball, and place the jasmine seedling inside it.
  3. Carefully add soil around the base of the seedling to hold it in place.
  4. Add water around the base of the plant to help it settle.

ثانياً:- زراعة زهرة الياسمين بواسطة القصاصات (العقل)

Jasmine flower can be grown by cuttings by following the following steps:

  1. Cut a healthy, 6-inch-long section from an adult clematis plant in mid-summer or fall.
  2. Fill the planting pot with a suitable mixture of soil and compost.
  3. Plant the cutting in the pot you prepared.
  4. Place the pot in a sunny window throughout the winter, keeping the plant well watered.
  5. You can move the seedling and plant it in the ground during the spring.

Preparing to plant jasmine flower

أولاً:- كيفية استخلاص بذور الياسمين وتهيئتها للزراعة

Jasmine seeds can be extracted and prepared for planting by following these steps:

  1. At the end of the summer, the jasmine plant produces pods that resemble bean pods containing seeds, which often open as soon as they mature, and the seeds fall to the ground.
  2. Select a number of mature pods, which are brown before they open, and place them in plastic bags while they are on the tree and secure them with a rope without damaging the stems, to collect the seeds as soon as the pods open.
  3. Soak the seeds in water 24 hours before planting them.
  4. Fill the planting pots with suitable soil and water them until they are moist.
  5. Plant each seed in a separate pot.
  6. Cover the containers with plastic covers, and place them in a sunny place.
  7. Keep the soil moist by watering it constantly.
  8. The seedlings begin to emerge and develop two pairs of true leaves. You can then plant them outside, about a month after planting them.

ثانياً:- الأوقات الأنسب لزراعة نبات زهرة الياسمين

The best time to plant jasmine flower plants is between the months of June and November.

Soil characteristics suitable for growing jasmine flower plants

It is preferable to plant the jasmine flower plant in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil. Therefore, it is preferable to add an amount of fertilizer to the soil before planting it, to ensure the production of healthy flowers throughout the growing season.

Watering jasmine flower

أولاً:- مواعيد ري زهرة الياسمين

The jasmine plant must be irrigated throughout its growing season, and its soil must be kept moist, not saturated with water. Jasmine plants grown in planting containers should be watered once a day, while plants grown outside should be watered once a week. If the weather is very dry, the irrigation rate can be increased, while allowing the soil to dry between irrigations.

ثانياً:- طرق ري زهرة الياسمين

Jasmine plants should be watered from below at the base of the plant to avoid getting the leaves wet, as this may lead to burning of the leaves when exposed to sunlight while wet.

ثالثاُ:- كميات ري زهرة الياسمين

The jasmine plant needs a large amount of water, especially during the flowering stage, so it is best to keep the soil slightly moist and water it weekly, and if the soil dries, it can be watered again.

Taking care of the jasmine flower after planting

اولاً:- أسمدة تحفز نمو نبات الياسمين

It is preferable to fertilize the jasmine plant once a month during its growing season, by sprinkling water-soluble fertilizers around the base of the jasmine plant. You can also use fertilizers rich in potassium and phosphorus, as this type of fertilizer helps prolong the flowering period of jasmine. It is preferable to fertilize indoor plants at least twice a year, during the growing season in spring and summer, or feed them with liquid fertilizer every few weeks.

ثانياً:- الأمراض التي قد تصيب نبات الياسمين وعلاجها

1. مرض البياض الدقيقي

A fungal disease whose symptoms appear in the form of white or gray circular powder-shaped spots that cover the surfaces of leaves and spread to the stems within a short period. This disease can be treated by using appropriate fungicides and repeating their application every week until the affected leaves fall. They can also be partially removed by brushing the leaves together.

2. مرض الصدأ

A fungal disease that may affect any part of the plant, including the stem, the undersides of leaves, and even the flower buds. The mushroom bodies are bright orange or red, making this disease easy to recognize. As the infestation progresses, the rust distorts newly emerging leaves and flowers. The affected parts of the plant must be pruned, and appropriate fungicides that contain copper or sulfur must be used.

Leaf blight disease

A fungal disease that affects the leaves of the jasmine plant. Its symptoms appear in the form of brown spots on the leaves, and may cause the leaves to curl, dry out, and fall to the ground. The fungus can spread to new shoots, causing them to turn brown or wilt and drop before opening. The affected parts of the plant must be cut, and fungicides containing copper or sulfur must be used.

How to harvest jasmine flower plant

The jasmine plant produces many flowers throughout its growing season, which can be harvested using sharp pruning shears; To cut branches laden with flowers and leaves, and place the stems in water immediately to maintain their freshness. The flower buds can be picked from the plant in the early morning, when their fragrance is strongest, and dried later to use to make refreshing jasmine tea, or kept fresh and used to make jasmine essential oil.

Tips for caring for jasmine flower plants

The following tips can be followed to care for jasmine flower plants:

  1. It is preferable to plant the jasmine plant in a location where the plant is exposed to full to partial sunlight.
  2. Long stakes or trellises can be placed a few centimeters from the base of the plant and then gently wrapped around the plant, as many jasmine varieties require stakes to climb on.
  3. The humidity of the environment surrounding the plant must be maintained if the jasmine plant is grown indoors in planting containers, by using an air humidifier or spraying the plant with a mist of water every short period.
  4. It is recommended to remove dead flowers, leaves, and stems from the plant throughout its growing season, by cutting them or using hand shears. It is preferable to avoid pruning before or during the flowering stage, as this leads to the cessation of flowering.
  5. It is preferable to add a layer of organic mulch, such as pine straw or garden compost, around the base of the jasmine plant to protect it during the winter and ensure that the roots do not freeze.

وفي الختام، نود ان ننوه علي اننا نحن في موقع عالم النباتات WORLD OF PLANTS نقدم لك كل ما يلزمك من خدمات في عالم النباتات، فنحن نقدم لكل المزارعين والمهتمين بالنباتات ثلاث خدمات رئيسية هي:-

  1. خدمة تقديم الاستشارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي لمساعدتك في التعرف على الأمراض التي تصيب النباتات وكيفية التعامل معها.
  2. مدونة عن النباتات والأمراض التي تصيب النباتات والعناية بمختلف المحاصيل … انت تتصفح الآن إحدى مقالاتها الآن.
  3. تطبيق يقوم بتقديم استشارات زراعية للعملاء وايضاً خدمة تصوير الأمراض ومعرفة علاجها مجانا – انقر لتحميل نسخة الأندرويد من متجر جوجل بلاي, أنقر لتحميل نسخة IOS من متجر تطبيقات أبل.

the reviewer

كيفية زراعة الياسمين: اعرف أكثر – موقع ورود وأزهار

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