

Picture of a sunflower
Sunflower: definition, types, cultivation, and care for it

The sun worship flower, with its dazzling beauty and unique movement towards the sun, is one of the most magical flowers in nature; In this article, we at the World of Plants website, WORLD OF PLANTS, have defined the sunflower flower, then determined its original habitat, then explained the methods of growing the sunflower flower, how to care for it, and many other matters related to the sunflower flower that the dear reader of our website is interested in.

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A picture of sunflower leaves suffering from rust
Rust in sunflowers: symptoms, damage, prevention

يُعد مرض الصدأ في دوار الشمس من التحديات الزراعية التي تواجه زراعة دوار الشمس، حيث يؤثر سلبًا على صحة النبات وإنتاجيته. في هذه المقالة في موقعكم عالم النباتات WORLD OF PLANTS، سوف نتناول أعراض هذا المرض وطرق الوقاية والعلاج للحفاظ على محصول دوار الشمس.

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