

Potassium Deficiency - Beans Gone Wild
Potassium deficiency

Potassium deficiency Name of the disease Potassium deficiency Scientific name: Potassium Deficiency Type of disease Family of disease Type: Abiotic Disease family: Physiological diseases Symptoms of the disease Symptoms of deficiency: Potassium plays an important role in vital processes, as it is necessary in the formation of proteins and carbohydrates and the reduction of nitrates in plants, and it helps In converting carbohydrates into fats, which is a contributing factor...

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Auto Draft - World of Plants
Nitrogen deficiency in legumes

Nitrogen deficiency in legumes Name of the disease Nitrogen deficiency in legumes Scientific name Nitrogen Deficiency Type of Disease Disease Family Type: Abiotic Disease Family: Physiological Diseases Symptoms of Nitrogen Deficiency Symptoms develop first on older leaves and gradually move to younger leaves. In mild cases, old leaves turn pale green. If it does not…

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Iron Deficiency Chlorosis – Manitoba Pulse & Soybean Growers
Iron deficiency in legumes

Iron deficiency in legumes Name of the disease Iron deficiency in legumes Scientific name Fe Deficiency Type of disease Disease family Type: Biological Disease family: Physiological diseases Symptoms of iron deficiency Symptoms of iron deficiency are characterized by the appearance of a yellow color between the veins in new leaves, and as the deficiency continues, the color of the tissue changes. Between the veins to ivory white, and the veins remain...

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Auto Draft - World of Plants
Copper deficiency

Copper Deficiency Name of the Disease Copper Deficiency Scientific Name Copper Deficiency Type of Disease Family of Disease Type: Abiotic Disease Family: Physiological Diseases Symptoms of Copper Deficiency Legumes are also sensitive to copper deficiency. Symptoms range from cupping and wilting to the appearance of death margins on young leaves. Legume crops use copper in the nitrogen fixation process and can appear…

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Bean Aphid | Greenlife | 2024 Update
Among the legumes are Aphids Beans

Among the legumes: Aphids Beans Name of the disease: Among the legumes: Aphids Beans Scientific name: Aphis craccovora Type of disease Disease family Type: Insect Disease family: Aphididae Symptoms of legumes The infestation of this insect is severe in the spring and fall, and it is considered one of the important bean pests. It causes great damage to the crop, and in the case of a severe infestation it is covered. Insects cover all plant surfaces and suck plant juices and secrete...

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Black cutworm

Black cutworm Disease name Black cutworm Agrotis ipsilon Scientific name Agrotis ipsilon Type of disease Disease family Type: Insectoid Disease family: Noctuidae Symptoms of black cutworm Black cutworms attack a variety of crops at all stages of their growth, but they prefer newly grown seedlings. The damage can be severe if there are large numbers of…

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Spider mite - Wikipedia
Two-spotted spider mite

Tow Spotted spider Mite Disease name Tetranychus telarius Scientific name Tetranychus telarius L Type of disease Disease family Type: Spider Disease family: Tetranychidae Symptoms of the two-spotted spider mite It feeds by sucking plant sap through its proboscis-shaped claw jaws and is often It is in the cells of the lower surface of the leaf. Appear…

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European Lepidoptera and their ecology: Lampides boeticus
Abu flour legumes Lampides boeticus

Name of the disease: Lampides boeticus Scientific name: Lampides boeticus L. Type of disease Disease family Type: Insect Disease Family: Lycaenidae Symptoms of legume flour Lampides Most of the damage to various parts of the plant occurs during the larval stage. The larvae feed on the internal contents of the plant and on the seeds found in the pods. The initial symptoms appear in the form of holes...

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Pea Ascochyta Treatment: Managing Symptoms Of Peas With Ascochyta Blight | Gardening Know How
Ascochyta blight of legumes

Ascochyta blight of legumes Disease name: Ascochyta blight Scientific name: Phoma rabiei (chickpeas), Ascochyta fabae f.sp. fabae (faba beans), Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis (lentils), Ascochyta pisi (field peas) Type of disease Disease family Type: Fungal Disease family: Didymellaceae Symptoms of ascochyta blight on legumes Symptoms first appear in the form of small areas…

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Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora beticola)
Cercospora diseases on legumes

Cercospora diseases on legumes Cercospora diseases (Cercosporiose) Name of the disease Cercospora diseases (Cercosporiose) Scientific name Cercospora beticola Sacc. Type of disease Disease family Type: Fungal Disease family: Mycosphaerellaceae Symptoms of Cercospora on legumes Old leaves are first infected, then with the development of the disease the infection spreads to newer leaves, and symptoms appear in the form of small circular or oval, gray spots...

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