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ToggleIron deficiency in legumes can cause problems in plant growth and fruit development. In this article on your website, WORLD OF PLANTS, we will review the signs of iron deficiency in legumes, the reasons for its occurrence, and ways to deal with it to ensure the health and quality of the crop.
Symptoms of iron deficiency disease in legumes
Name of the diseaseIron deficiency in legumes
Scientific name: Fe Deficiency
Type of disease: Type: Bio
Disease family: Physiological diseases
Symptoms of its deficiency are characterized by the appearance of a yellow color between the veins in new leaves. As the deficiency continues, the color of the tissue between the veins turns to ivory white, and the veins remain green. In cases of severe deficiency, very young leaves may become entirely yellow.
Causes of iron deficiency
Soil PH is one of the most important reasons that lead to the appearance of symptoms of iron deficiency on plants. Soils in which the PH is high (alkaline) work to convert the dissolved iron in the soil solution into bound iron that is not usable by the plant, as in calcareous soils.
Fertilizing with large amounts of soluble phosphate leads to the transformation of soluble iron into an insoluble form due to the combination of iron phosphate with the phosphate ion, forming iron. This phenomenon is greater in sandy lands than in clay lands, because sandy lands are less able to stabilize phosphate than clay lands. .
Suitable conditions for the spread of iron deficiency disease on legumes
Its pH is higher than 7 PH, the soil is rich in phosphorus
Disease development cycle

The spread of iron deficiency disease on legumes
Iron is considered an essential element for the formation of the chlorophyll molecule responsible for the green color in plants. Although it is not included in its composition, this is because iron is included in the synthesis of the enzymes responsible for the formation of chlorophyll.
Strategy to combat iron deficiency disease in legumes
- Chemical fertilizer
- Organic fertilizer
Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of iron deficiency disease in legumes
When symptoms of iron deficiency appear on plants, plants must be treated by adding chelated iron in the form of EDDHA, which is added watering water and chelated iron in the form of EDTA, which is used as a spray on the foliage.
Fertilizer recommendations
Fertilizing with fertilizers rich in iron
Anti-membership recommendations
Fermented organic fertilizer
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Iron partitioning at an early growth stage impacts iron deficiency responses in soybean plants (Glycine max L.) – frontiersin
Understanding the Role of the Antioxidant System and the Tetrapyrrole Cycle in Iron Deficiency Chlorosis – mdpi
Symptoms of nutrient deficiency - pdf file
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A guide to identifying nutrient deficiencies in the leaves and fruits of fruit trees - pdf file