Deficiency of micronutrients in onion plants
  • Deficiency of micronutrients in onion plants
  • Iron deficiency
the reasons Symptoms treatment
Iron deficiency in onion plants increases as a result of high soil pH, and is more prevalent in calcareous soils and soils rich in copper, manganese, or zinc, as it is considered important in the process of photosynthesis and the formation of chlorophyll. The leaves are completely yellowish to white. Fertilize the soil directly with iron, and it is not preferable to spray it foliarly.
  • Zinc deficiency
the reasons Symptoms treatment
Zinc deficiency Young plants are particularly sensitive to zinc deficiency. Deficiency is most common in soils with a high pH or calcareous soil rich in phosphorus during cool, wet weather, as zinc aids in photosynthesis and improves seed germination and fruit yield. Zinc-deficient plants are stunted and their leaves are twisted and curved outward Use fertilizer rich in zinc and apply it directly into the soil.
  • Copper deficiency
the reasons Symptoms treatment
Copper deficiency increases in organic, sandy, and nitrogen-rich soils, as copper is important for the growth of onion skin and helps in the photosynthesis process.

The tips of the leaves turn white and twist to resemble a corkscrew or bend at right angles. You may die again.

Apply copper directly to the soil or spray foliarly.
  • Copper deficiency
the reasons Symptoms treatment
The disease is prevalent in alkaline and sandy soils because it is easily leached, and high levels of calcium and nitrogen can reduce boron uptake in cool, wet weather, which helps improve yield and storage quality of fruit.

Boron-deficient onion leaves turn dark green and brittle and can be stunted or misshapen.

To maintain the correct balance of calcium and nitrogen, boron can be applied directly to the soil.

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