Bean rust disease

Rust of faba bean | Grain, pulses and cereal diseases | Plant diseases | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria

  • Bean rust disease

  • Name of the disease

Faba bean rust disease

  • The scientific name

.Uromyces viciae – fabae (Pers.) Schroet

  • Type of disease Family of disease

Type: fungal

Disease family: Pucciniaceae

  • Symptoms of bean rust disease

Urinary pustules appear on the surfaces of the leaflets and their petioles, as well as on the stem and pods when the infection is severe. They take on a reddish-brown color and are scattered irregularly. When they grow in size, they can be surrounded by other small pustules. The pimples may be surrounded by a yellow halo. The shape of the pimples is circular on leaves and pods, and elongated on the stem and leaf neck. Teletic pustules form late in the season before plants dry out, primarily on compound leaf petioles, as well as on leaf petioles, and on the leg The pods are dark blackish in colour, and their shape is oval to rectangular. They are smooth and have a shiny appearance because they are covered with the skin of the host plant. They then form a small slit for the exit of the teletic spores.

  • Causes of bean rust disease

Moderate temperature and dew forms on the surface of the leaves.

  • Suitable conditions for the spread of bean rust

The optimum temperature for infection to occur is 18-20 °C, and the germination of uremic spores requires the presence of a film of water on the surface of the leaves.

  • Bean rust disease development cycle

Although the fungus causing bean rust is a long-cycling, mono-host fungus, the spermogenic and acidic phases are rare. In local conditions, only the urethral and teletic phases were observed, and even the teletic phase is relatively few. It is believed that the disease is renewed annually by uremic spores coming from crop residues, or carried by air currents from warmer areas where beans are grown early. The main damage of the disease is caused by the euphorbia phase, which reproduces and gives several generations during one growing season of the bean.

  • Photos of the disease at its beginning and after its spread, in high quality, at least 5 photos in high quality

Rust of faba bean | Grain, pulses and cereal diseases | Plant diseases | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria

Bean rust disease - the world of plants

Bean rust disease - the world of plants

Bean rust disease - the world of plants

dry bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus)

  • Losses from the spread of bean rust disease

The damage resulting from it depends on the time of its appearance and the weather conditions suitable for its spread. This disease varies greatly in severity from one season to another and almost destroys the crop in the years in which it becomes severe in an epidemic situation.

  • Control strategy
  • Mechanical control
  • Physical control (tillage, sanitation, pruning, solarization)
  • Fungicides
  • Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of bean rust disease

1- Considering that this fungus has more than 300 strains, and many of them are often found in the same field, controlling bean rust depends primarily on developing and cultivating varieties that are resistant or tolerant to the strains found in the bean growing area.

2- Agricultural operations, such as following an appropriate agricultural cycle and disposing of infected crop residues, can reduce the amount of initial inoculum in the following season.

3- Moderate irrigation, pay attention to phosphate fertilization, and avoid dense agriculture.

  • Chemical control recommendations

Spray plants when infested with fungicides such as mancozeb, trivorin, or difenoconazole

  • Anti-membership recommendations

Some research has indicated the success of biological control of bean rust using some types of bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis strain 1-APPL, Pantoea agglomerans B1, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia C3.

All references and their links must be mentioned,%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%AB%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%B7%D8%A9%20%D8%A8%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A9%20%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1.

  • Name of the disease

Faba bean rust disease

  • The scientific name

.Uromyces viciae – fabae (Pers.) Schroet

  • Type of disease Family of disease

Type: fungal

Disease family: Pucciniaceae

  • Symptoms of the disease

Urinary pustules appear on the surfaces of the leaflets and their petioles, as well as on the stem and pods when the infection is severe. They take on a reddish-brown color and are scattered irregularly. When they grow in size, they can be surrounded by other small pustules. The pimples may be surrounded by a yellow halo. The shape of the pimples is circular on leaves and pods, and elongated on the stem and leaf neck. Teletic pustules form late in the season before plants dry out, mainly on compound leaf petioles, as well as on leaf petioles, stems and pods. They are dark blackish in colour, oval to oblong in shape, and are smooth and shiny in appearance to be covered by the epidermis of the host plant. It forms a small slit for the exit of teletic spores.

  • The causes of disease

Moderate temperature and dew forms on the surface of the leaves.

  • Conditions suitable for the spread of the disease

The optimum temperature for infection to occur is 18-20 °C, and the germination of uremic spores requires the presence of a film of water on the surface of the leaves.

  • Disease development cycle

Although the fungus causing bean rust is a long-cycling, mono-host fungus, the spermogenic and acidic phases are rare. In local conditions, only the urethral and teletic phases were observed, and even the teletic phase is relatively few. It is believed that the disease is renewed annually by uremic spores coming from crop residues, or carried by air currents from warmer areas where beans are grown early. The main damage of the disease is caused by the euphorbia phase, which reproduces and gives several generations during one growing season of the bean.

  • Photos of the disease at its beginning and after its spread, in high quality, at least 5 photos in high quality

Rust of faba bean | Grain, pulses and cereal diseases | Plant diseases | Biosecurity | Agriculture Victoria

Bean rust disease - the world of plants

Bean rust disease - the world of plants

Bean rust disease - the world of plants

dry bean rust (Uromyces appendiculatus)

  • Losses of disease spread

The damage resulting from it depends on the time of its appearance and the weather conditions suitable for its spread. This disease varies greatly in severity from one season to another and almost destroys the crop in the years in which it becomes severe in an epidemic situation.

  • Control strategy
  • Mechanical control
  • Physical control (tillage, sanitation, pruning, solarization)
  • Fungicides
  • Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease

1- Considering that this fungus has more than 300 strains, and many of them are often found in the same field, controlling bean rust depends primarily on developing and cultivating varieties that are resistant or tolerant to the strains found in the bean growing area.

2- Agricultural operations, such as following an appropriate agricultural cycle and disposing of infected crop residues, can reduce the amount of initial inoculum in the following season.

3- Moderate irrigation, pay attention to phosphate fertilization, and avoid dense agriculture.

  • Chemical control recommendations

Spray plants when infested with fungicides such as mancozeb, trivorin, or difenoconazole

  • Anti-membership recommendations

Some research has indicated the success of biological control of bean rust using some types of bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis strain 1-APPL, Pantoea agglomerans B1, and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia C3.

All references and their links must be mentioned,%D8%AA%D9%83%D9%88%D9%86%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%AB%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA%20%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%B7%D8%A9%20%D8%A8%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A9%20%D8%B5%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%A1.

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