Almond rust: symptoms, causes, control 

Numeral rust - the world of plants

Almond rust is a fungal disease that affects bolls, resulting in foliage decline and reduced productivity. This article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website discusses how to identify this disease and ways to prevent it.

 Symptoms of Almond rust

  • Name of the disease: Rust of tonsils 
  •  Scientific name: Tranzachelia discolor
  • Disease family: This disease affects peaches, apricots, peaches and almonds

Infected leaves usually appear with reddish to dark brown pustules on the lower surface (as shown in the picture). At the beginning of the disease, small yellow spots form on the upper surface. Their color gradually changes to a bright yellow color, and urinary pustules appear on them later. Finally, the telic spores form and are colored. Blackish brown, the severity of the infection leads to the fall of the leaves and the weakening of the plant. The damage may not reach the fruits because they have already been harvested, and the damage is limited to the general weakness of the tree in terms of the leaves falling early. 

Numeral rust - the world of plants

Numeral rust - the world of plants
Numeral rust - the world of plants

Numeral rust - the world of plants

 Causes of tonsil rust

It is caused by the fungus Tranzachelia discolor

 Suitable conditions for the spread of Almond rust

The development of the disease requires warm, humid weather. The severity of the disease increases on trees planted in poorly drained lands.

 Development cycle of Almond rust

The type of fungus is a long-cycling basidiomycete fungus. The uretic phase and the teletic phase are on trees with stone cores, while the weeping phase and the acidic phase are on anemone plants. The disease is found in the remains of infected and fallen plants at the end of the season in the form of teletic spores, which are a source of primary infection. 

 Losses from the spread of Almond rust

Leaves begin to fall early, which leads to the fruits being exposed to the sun's rays. This causes severe damage to the fruits. Damage from this disease occurs most frequently in the moderately hot and humid summer. 

 Strategy to control Almond rust

It is very important to continue spraying even after harvest in order to protect the leaves.

 Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of Almond rust

Use low-allergenic or rust-resistant varieties.
Destroying and burying cereal plants that have germinated after harvest helps reduce the causative agent of the initial disease. Treatment of the pest depends on a preventive treatment with a fungicide. In dry areas, the infection is minimal, so the trees must be monitored. If the pest appears, we fight it. However, in wet areas, it must be Treatment is preventive.

 Recommendations for organic and chemical control of Almond rust

  1. Collect infected leaves and burn them away from the field.
  2. Getting rid of anemone plants near almond trees.
  3. Spray the trees when symptoms appear with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulphate, and repeat the spraying twice, with 3 weeks separating the first and second spraying. 

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