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ToggleThe bean stem borer is an agricultural pest that threatens bean crops by causing severe damage to the stems, affecting plant health and productivity. In this article on your website, WORLD OF PLANTS, we will discuss ways to identify this pest and ways to combat it effectively.
Symptoms of bean stem borer
Name of the disease: Bean stem borer Lixus algirus
Scientific name: Lixus algirus (L)
Type of disease: Insect type
Disease family: Curculionidae
- dig Insects There is a sunken hole at the top of the stalk of bean plants where they lay eggs.
- The larvae feed in holes inside the stem towards the bottom.
- Inside the stem, sawdust is observed in the form of compressed, cylindrical capsules. The injury causes the market to fall to the ground due to the wind.
- We recognize the infestation by seeing legless larvae inside the stem.
Causes of bean stem borer
Females do Leg borer By laying their eggs in the soil near plant tissue. After the larvae hatch, it burrows into the stem, feeds, and makes its way to the top or to the roots. This drilling causes the top to dry out. At a later stage, the larva that was inside the stem emerges, fills the hole with debris and pupates near the hole it created.
Conditions suitable for the spread of the disease
The adults are active in early spring, where they lay eggs.
Disease development cycle
The insect spends the winter in the form of adult insects in bean fields after harvest.
- Larvae can be seen inside the market in early spring. Usually there is one larva inside one stem. Mature larvae pupate within stems close to the soil surface.
Adults emerge and are seen during the harvest period, where they enter dormancy until the spring of the following year (one generation).

Losses of disease spread
When propagated in the productive stage, the number of pods is reduced resulting in a loss in yield.
Control strategy
- Mechanical control
- Physical control (tillage, sanitation, pruning, solarization)
- Insecticides
Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease
The insect is still minor in Jordan, and there is no need to combat it. In the case of severe infestation, control begins when the infestation begins to appear in January.
Chemical control recommendations
- Thiamethoxam
- Lambda-cyhalothrin
- Indoxacarb.
Anti-membership recommendations
I have Stem borer Soybeans have a large number of predators and other natural enemies, which is often enough to control their spread. Whereas parasitic wasps such as cyanopods. to 20% in E. melanagromyzae. Cinipoea sp. E. melanagromyza can be used in integrated pest management approaches.
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Crops - soybeans - insect pests - stem borers - agricultureegypt
Soybean stem borer - plantix