Watermelon aphid: symptoms, causes, control

From watermelon - the world of plants

Watermelon aphid is an insect pest that attacks cucumber plants, causing leaf deformities and a decline in productivity. This article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website explains how to recognize the infection and ways to prevent it.

  Family of Watermelon aphid

Name of the disease: Watermelon aphid 
 Scientific name: Aphis gossypii (Aphidae)

It attacks many families, the most important of which are cucumbers, zucchini, onions, and other members of the cucumbers, okra, and citrus fruits. It severely infects pepper of its various types in the Jordan Valley, more than green peaches, and it is also widespread in Amman, Madaba, and Ramtha in open and protected cultivation. 

 Symptoms of Watermelon aphid

It is found on the lower surface of the leaves on both sides of the veins, and as a result of the absorption of plant juices, the ends of the leaves curl and are slow to move and spread on the plant. 

 Causes of Watermelon aphid 

Aphids are most active in the warm time of the day – during the period after frost has ended and the temperature is above 5 ° C. At the same time it begins to multiply. Aphids cannot tolerate cold weather; At low temperatures, they die quickly.

 Suitable conditions for the spread of Watermelon aphid

It is one of the few species that is able to withstand the high summer temperatures on plants found in the valleys and high areas.

 Disease development cycle Watermelon aphid

The infection begins in the spring and the numbers of non-winged individuals increase - gradually - until they reach the peak of numbers in the valleys in September. Then the winged individuals begin to appear and increase in the fall, and the numbers decrease in the winter until they disappear and appear again in the spring when the temperature rises. It has a short life cycle, sometimes up to a week. It reproduces quickly and in large numbers, causing it to produce more than one generation each year in the Jordan Valley.  

 Losses of disease spread Watermelon aphid

It can destroy the plant, especially when it is infected with powdery mildew or otherwise, if control is neglected, and it has a high ability to transmit viral diseases to cetaceans. 

 Control strategy for watermelon aphid

It is easier to defeat pests during the early stages and is more cost effective. The field should be monitored on a weekly basis to look for the presence of insects that carry the disease.

 Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of disease Watermelon aphid

Remove weeds so that they are not a constant source of growth for his meter.

 Recommendations for organic and chemical control Watermelon aphid

When the infestation appears, it is necessary to spray with effective pesticides that have low residues, are safe for humans, and break down within a few days, such as cypermethrin, at a rate of 15 cm. 3 /20 litres. These aphids have many vital enemies - such as the aphid and the aphid lion, which help reduce their numbers if they are preserved.

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From watermelon - the world of plants

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