Two-spotted spider mite: symptoms, causes, control

Spider mite - Wikipedia

Two-spotted spider mite is a serious pest of many agricultural crops, causing leaf damage and productivity deterioration. In this article on your website, World of Plants, we review methods of prevention and treatment.

Symptoms of the two-spotted spider mite

  • Name of the disease: The red two-spotted spider Tetranychus telarius
  • Scientific name: Tetranychus telarius L
  • Type: spider
  • Disease family: Tetranychidae

It is fed by sucking plant sap through proboscis-shaped mandibles, usually in the cells of the lower surface of the leaf.

Symptoms of damage appear on the upper surface The leaf has spots White or yellow, and with continued feeding, these spots turn brown.

The mite secretes tissue Arachnid As it moves over the plant, the leaves appear covered with a dense silky mesh on which dust and dirt collect. The mites move between the hairs on the lower surface of the leaves like scattered grains of sand.

It affects leaves and flowers Fruits lead to a decrease in yield, such as beans and eggplant And cucurbits. As for ornamental plants, they lose most of their leaves after they dry up and die.

The leaves wilt and dry when the infection is severe and fall, and severe infection may lead to the death of the plant.

Causes of two-spotted spider mite

Poor irrigation, high or low humidity, severe winds, drought, or damage to the root system can cause an increase in the damage resulting from infection with this pest.

Suitable conditions for the spread of the two-spotted spider mite

The appropriate temperature for growth and development ranges between 12-40 degrees Celsius. The time period from egg to adult animal takes less than a week at the optimum temperature of 30-32 degrees Celsius. Males grow and develop faster than females.

The humidity is between 50-70%.

The development cycle of the two-spotted spider mite

It is found throughout Egypt throughout the year, and does not hibernate. The female lays her eggs individually, and the total amount she lays is about 50 to 150 eggs in one week. The period of laying eggs may last a month depending on the high or low temperature, and the animal lives with this from one week to Two weeks in the summer and more than four months in the winter.

  • The egg hatches after about three days in the summer and twenty days in the winter.
  • After hatching, the larvae - as previously mentioned - have three pairs of legs, which become four after the first moult when they become the first nymph.
  • The first nymph molts to form the second nymph, and when the second nymph molts, males and females emerge, and males often appear before females in one generation.
  • The life cycle takes a week in the summer and about two months in the winter.
Spider mite - Wikipedia
Red Bean Mite Control and Treatment - BioWorks
Nature in Stock
snapbean leaf damage by Two-spotted Spider Mite, TETRANYCHUS URTICAE
Two-spotted spider mite - the world of plants

Losses of disease spread

  • This species is known under many names, including the two-spotted red mite, the greenhouse mite, and the simple red spider mite. It is considered one of the most widespread mites in the world.
  • It is spread in many Arab countries, including Yemen. It has also been recorded in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Caribbean and Atlantic Islands, North, Central and South America.

Control strategy

  • Mechanical control
  • Physical control (tillage, sanitation, pruning, solarization)
  • Insecticides

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease

Deep plowing of the soil after harvest to encourage dormant individuals.

Trees must be followed and examined with magnifying glasses to identify signs of infection and estimate the number of pests.

Excessive use of pesticides should be avoided because of its negative impact on natural enemies.

Watering should be taken care of and avoid overexposing Trees to drought.

Pruning must be done so as to avoid the branches coming into contact with the surrounding weeds on the soil surface
Spray plants with specialized pesticides.

Chemical control recommendations

  • Fenbutatin-oxide
  • Fenpyroximate
  • Pyridaben
  • Abamectin

Anti-membership recommendations


Among the most important types of predators: From the Phytoseiidae family there are Galemdromus occidentalis, Neoseiulus californicus, N.fallacis, N.longispinosus, Phytosielus persimilis, P.micropilis

The small flies Feltiella acarisuga are commercially available in many countries of the world.

Ladybirds belonging to the genus Stethorus, the most important of which is S.punctillum.

Hemipteran predators such as Macroloplus and caliginosus.

Other insect predators include ants Tapinoma melanocephalum and Scolothrips sexmaculatus. It is adapted to hot and dry weather.

– Fungi such as Entomophthora thaxteriana E.adjarica, which are effective in very humid climates within covered crops.

Plant extracts:

The results of laboratory biological tests showed a significant effect of garlic and wheat extracts. No differences were observed between these plant extracts and the acaricides used after 72 hours.

The results of the study also showed that extracts of Stactus officinalis L. and Melia azedarach L. have a good degree of effect in controlling the pest in tomatoes.

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the reviewer :

The red two-spotted spider Tetranychus telarius (L.) - almerja
Tow Spotted spider Mite - alnabate

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