زهرة اللوتس: التعريف بها، أنواعها، زراعتها، الإعتناء بها

Picture of lotus flower

زهرة اللوتس، بجمالها الفريد وأوراقها العائمة، ترمز إلى النقاء والتجدد في العديد من الثقافات، وتضيف هذه الزهرة الساحرة لمسة من السحر والروحانية إلى أي منظر طبيعي.؛ ونحن في موقع عالم النباتات WORLD OF PLANTS قمنا بالتعريف يزهرة اللوتس ثم قمنا بتحديد الموطن الأصلي لها، ثم حددنا أنواع زهرة اللوتس الأنسب للزراعة المنزلية، ثم وضحنا طرق زراعة زهرة اللوتس وكيفية الإعتناء بها، والكثير من الأمور الأخرى الخاصة بزهرة اللوتس التي يهتم بها قارئ موقعنا الكريم.

Introduction to the lotus flower

The lotus flower (in English: Water lily) belongs to the Nileaceae family.

الموطن الأصلي لزهرة اللوتس

Australia and Southeast Asia are the original home of the lotus flower.

أنواع زهرة اللوتس الأنسب للزراعة المنزلية

Dwarf lotus species, such as the sacred lotus “Momo Bhutan” (Nelumbo “Momo Bhutan”), are best suited for indoor home cultivation.

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Methods of growing lotus flower

أولاً:- طريقة زراعة درنات زهرة اللوتس

This method is done by following the following steps:

  • A waterproof planting container is used, that is, without drainage holes.
  • Fill the pot with soil by 10 cm.
  • The soil is watered in a small amount that is sufficient to moisten it without increasing the water.
  • The tubers are placed on the surface of the soil, then fixed and covered with soil by 10 cm, keeping the growth tips of the tubers facing upward, as they must remain a small distance above the surface of the soil, with the rest of the tuber planted under the soil.
  • The soil is covered with a thin layer of sand or gravel, to preserve the location of the tubers, and so that the water remains muddy when irrigating the planting pot.
  • The tubers are watered with plenty of water until the ends of the tubers are completely covered, and placed in a sunny place.

ثانياً:- طريقة زراعة زهرة اللوتس من البذور

This method is done by following the following steps:

  • The pot is used to plant at a depth of 25 cm. It is filled with 5 cm of nutritious soil, then the soil is watered 10 cm above its surface, then the pot is placed in a warm, sunny place.
  • Cover each seed to be planted with a ball of clay, gently hold it until it is planted in the soil, then add warm water so that it is 10 cm above the surface of the soil.
  • The top of the planting pot is covered with plastic to warm the soil, and the pot is placed in a sunny place with an average temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, until the seeds germinate and grow.
  • Plants are transferred to separate planting containers when seeds grow and leaves appear, and this process usually takes 10 days.
  • Plants are fed throughout the growing season to obtain excellent results. Fertilizer is fed in quantities that are proportional to the sizes of the planting containers, and depend on the vitality of the plant.

ثالثا:- طريقة زراعة شتلة زهرة اللوتس

This method is done by following the following steps:

  • A sunny area of land, garden, or basin is chosen in which the lotus flower is to be planted.
  • The soil is transported to the place where you want to plant it, and it is watered with about 30-40 cm of water above the soil surface.
  • Seedlings are planted after the soil absorbs water, and are installed in the appropriate place.
  • It is preferable to cover the soil surface with gravel or stones to stabilize and consolidate the roots.

Preparing for planting lotus flower

1. كيفية استخلاص بذور زهرة اللوتس وتهيئتها للزراعة

Seeds are extracted and prepared for planting in the following steps:

  • The seeds are harvested after the petals fall from the plant, taking care not to leave the pods containing the seeds for too long so that they do not become too dry.
  • The pods containing the seeds are harvested and stored in a paper bag, and placed in a dark, well-ventilated place, where the temperature is above freezing.
  • Leave the pods in the bag for 3 to 4 days, or until they dry and become brittle. It is necessary to make sure that the pods are dry because they will rot if they are wet.
  • Open the pods with your fingers, rub them gently to separate the seeds from the rest of the plant, then carefully select the seeds after placing them through a sieve.
  • When planting, it is necessary to scratch the seeds. Without this process, they will not grow. This can be done using pliers, so that the brown layer surrounding them is eliminated, and an ivory color appears, while being careful not to peel them all the way to the pulp so that the seed does not rot and grows properly.
  • The seeds are soaked in fresh water in a bowl, after which the seeds are gently transferred for planting.

2. الأوقات الأنسب لزراعة زهرة اللوتس

It is preferable to plant the lotus flower in the spring, as it requires relatively high temperatures and good sunlight. If it is planted in the winter, it is important to keep it indoors at warm temperatures.

3. خصائص التربة المناسبة لزراعة زهرة اللوتس

The lotus flower needs soil with a pH ranging from 6.5 to 8.0. Topsoil or clay can be used, taking care to stay away from soil that contains algae or a lot of organic matter, the abundance of which leads to rotting of seeds or tubers. A mixture of With 80% of clay or topsoil, with 20% of compost.11

Watering the lotus flower

مواعيد ري زهرة اللوتس

It is necessary for the edges to remain enriched with water as it evaporates, and it is preferable for watering to be done daily or every two days.

طرق ري زهرة اللوتس

There is no specific way to water the lotus flower, and it can be watered through a tap.

كميات ري زهرة اللوتس

The lotus flower must grow in water with a depth ranging from 5 cm to 12 cm, and the water must remain floating on the surface with at least 5-10 cm of water.

Caring for the lotus flower after planting

Fertilizers that stimulate lotus flower growth

Slow-release commercial fertilizer tablets are used, which are purchased from commercial centers and then planted under the soil. The application of fertilizer depends on the amount of soil in which the lotus flower is planted.

Diseases that may affect the lotus flower and their treatment

We mention below some diseases that may affect the lotus flower:

  • آفات امتصاص نسغ النباتات: تحدث هذه الآفات بسبب الحشرات الماصة لعصارة العديد من النباتات المائية ونبتة زهرة اللوتس من ضمنها، ويتغذى المن المجنح على أوراق نبتة اللوتس العُليا، مما يؤدي إلى ذبولها أو تجعدها، وتحول لونها للأصفر، ويفرز مادة لزجة على أوراق النبات تعزز من نمو العفن السخامي الذي يؤدي إلى اسوداد الأوراق.
  • الآفات الجذرية: تحدث هذه الآفات من خلال حشرات التي تضر بجذور وسيقان نبتة اللوتس، وعلى براعم الزهور، إذ تحفر سيقان النبات وتنقل العدوى الفطرية، كما تعمل هذه الحشرات على ذبول نبتة اللوتس وتغير لونها والقضاء على حيويتها.
  • الآفات الآكلة للأوراق: تحدث هذه الآفات بسبب يرقات خنفساء زنبق الماء، التي تتركز في أوراق نبتة اللوتس وتنتشر في جميع أجزاء النبتة، كما تحفر الأوراق وتترك آثار بنية اللون.

علاجات زهرة اللوتس من الأمراض

  • Remove sucking pests from lotus leaves with a strong spray of water.
  • Cleaning the sticky traces left by insects.
  • Use of pesticides such as; Bacillus thuringiensis, the entomopathogenic bacterium that effectively controls larvae.
  • Periodically get rid of infected plant parts and clean the fallen remains to eliminate the breeding and spread of various pests.

How to harvest lotus flower

Lotus flowers are harvested in early autumn when the flowers fall. The stems are cut, and the seeds are collected so that they can be planted at a later time. There are some species whose roots can be eaten and are edible in different types of dishes.

Tips for caring for lotus flower

Below we list the most important tips for taking care of the lotus flower to keep it looking healthy and bright:

  • Get rid of old flowers and leaves and prune the plant periodically.
  • It is preferable to plant the lotus flower in loamy soil rather than in a container or pond.
  • It is recommended to grow lotus from seed, due to genetic variability and the high percentage of seedlings that do not flower.

وفي الختام، نود ان ننوه علي اننا نحن في موقع عالم النباتات WORLD OF PLANTS نقدم لك كل ما يلزمك من خدمات في عالم النباتات، فنحن نقدم لكل المزارعين والمهتمين بالنباتات ثلاث خدمات رئيسية هي:-

  1. خدمة تقديم الاستشارات بالذكاء الاصطناعي لمساعدتك في التعرف على الأمراض التي تصيب النباتات وكيفية التعامل معها.
  2. مدونة عن النباتات والأمراض التي تصيب النباتات والعناية بمختلف المحاصيل … انت تتصفح الآن إحدى مقالاتها الآن.
  3. تطبيق يقوم بتقديم استشارات زراعية للعملاء وايضاً خدمة تصوير الأمراض ومعرفة علاجها مجانا – انقر لتحميل نسخة الأندرويد من متجر جوجل بلاي, أنقر لتحميل نسخة IOS من متجر تطبيقات أبل.

the reviewer

كيفية زراعة زهرة اللوتس: دليلك الشامل – موقع ورود وأزهار

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