Flushing disease

A picture of a rose plant suffering from rosacea

English name: Rose Rosette Disease

The scientific name: Rose rosette virus (RRV) and Rose rosette emaravirus (RRV-EMARa)

The type of disease: Viral disease the family: emaravirus


Rosehip disease causes a variety of symptoms, including overgrowth, mosaic growth, bright red pigmentation on stems and leaves, abnormal growth patterns (witch's monad), misshapen or stretched stems, overgrowth, and misshapen flowers.

Affected plants often show characteristic stunted growth on the leaves with a reddish tint.

As the disease progresses, the plant may become stunted and eventually die.

A close-up of a plant Description automatically generated
A bunch of pink flowers with leaves Description automatically generated
A plant with thorns on it Description automatically generated
A close up of a plant Description automatically generated

the reasons

Roseola is caused by a complex of viruses, including roseola rosea virus (RRV) and roseola EMARa (RRV-EMARa).

The disease is transmitted primarily by the Eryophid mite (Phyllocoptes fructiphilus).

Propagation conditions

The rosehip disease complex can spread rapidly in warm, humid conditions when eriophytic mite populations are high.

Mites can be spread by wind, rain, or physical contact with infected plants.

Disease course

Rosehip viruses can overwinter on infected rose plants or alternate hosts.

In spring, erypheid mites acquire viruses by feeding on infected plants and then transmit them to healthy roses.

Viruses multiply within the new host, causing characteristic symptoms.

The mites can continue to spread the disease throughout the growing season by moving from one plant to another


Rosehip disease can cause significant economic losses in rose production and landscaping, as affected plants often deteriorate rapidly and require removal and replacement.

The disease can also affect the aesthetic value and marketability of roses.

Control strategy

An integrated approach including agricultural practices, resistant varieties and mite control measures is recommended to control rosehip disease.

Preventive measures

  • Planting resistant or tolerant rose varieties.
  • Remove and destroy infected plants.
  • Maintain good hygiene practices to reduce mite reproduction.

Organic/chemical control

For organic control, apply organic oils, insecticidal soap, or neem oil to control the Aeriovedic mite vector

Sulfur pesticides or chemical insecticides may also be used according to label instructions, alternating between different product classes to prevent the development of resistance.

The garages

Penn State Extension – Rose Rosette Disease (https://extension.psu.edu/rose- rosette-disease)

HD Image Link https

http://extension.psu.edu/media/wysiwyg/extensions/catalog_product/7/8/78b6d8f9b08 491d0f1e9d29c39ab2/rose-rosette-disease.jpg

https://clemsonhgic.wpenginepowered.com/wp- content/uploads/2019/11/rose-with-rose-rosette-disease-showing-symptoms- of.jpeg

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