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Downy mildew is a fungal disease that affects sweet pepper plants, causing leaf deformities and poor production. This article from the World of Plants website explains how to deal with downy mildew on sweet peppers and ways to prevent it.
Causes of downy mildew on sweet pepper
- Disease name: Downy mildew on sweet pepper
- Scientific name: Perpnospora tabacini
- Type of disease: fungal
- Disease family: Peronosporaceae
Downy mildew is a type of oomycete fungus or water mold, and it is an obligate parasite that feeds on sweet pepper plants, and is transmitted to it through water, wind, or agricultural tools.
Symptoms of downy mildew on sweet pepper
Yellow spots appear on the upper surface of the leaf between the veins of the leaves of the sweet pepper plant. As these spots spread, they eventually turn brown until the leaf becomes completely brown and then falls. Therefore, the plant is exposed to sunburn.
Downy mildew development cycle on sweet pepper
Downy mildew spores are transmitted on the leaf surface of sweet pepper plants during wet, mild weather. They can also be transmitted by tools or hands that have touched infected plants and were not sterilized before transferring them to a healthy plant. This cycle takes up to four days in suitable weather. But it usually takes 7 to 10 days to infect an entire field before the first symptoms appear.
Suitable conditions for the spread of downy mildew on sweet pepper
Oospores germinate at moderate temperatures ranging between 18-25 degrees Celsius and a high relative humidity of no less than 80%.

Losses resulting from the spread of downy mildew on sweet pepper
Downy mildew is considered a serious disease as the plant cannot carry out the process of photosynthesis as a result of the leaves falling. The accumulation of fungi within the plant tissues makes it impossible to transfer water from the roots to the leaves, causing the death of the plant and significant damage to the crop.
Control of downy mildew on sweet pepper
- Use a fungicide frequently during the growing season when there is high humidity combined with moderate temperatures.
- Remove infected pepper plants and dispose of them away from the field.
- Spraying the crop with copper.
Preventive measures for downy mildew on sweet pepper
- Remove any weeds to improve air circulation in the field.
- Watering in the early morning hours or using drip irrigation.
- Choose disease-resistant varieties.
- Good fertilization of the plant helps in resisting the disease.
- Sterilize agricultural tools before and after use.
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