Downy mildew

A picture of a grape leaf plant suffering from downy mildew

English name: Mildew Downy

The scientific name: Plasmopara viticola

The type of disease: Fungal disease

family: Peronosporaceae


Downy mildew can affect all green tissues of grapes, including leaves, shoots and clusters. On the leaves, it appears as irregular yellow or reddish-brown spots on the upper surface with fine white growth on the underside. These spots may collect, causing the paper to curl or become distorted. Severely infected leaves may turn brown and fall off. On fruit, the disease can cause brown discoloration, cracking and premature drop.

A grape leaf with numerous downy mildew oil spots that have a chocolate-colored halo

Diseases of grape leaves - the world of plants Diseases of grape leaves - the world of plants

Red oil stain


Downy mildew is caused by the fungal pathogen Plasmopara viticola, high temperatures and is an obligate parasite that requires live host tissue to survive.

Propagation conditions

Downy mildew thrives in warm, humid conditions with temperatures between 80°F (15°C and 27°C) and long periods of leaf wetness. The pathogen produces sporangia that can be spread by wind, rain or water spray.

Disease course

The pathogen overwinters as eggs in leaf litter or soil. In the spring, when temperatures are favorable and humidity is present, the eggs germinate and release spores that infect sensitive young tissue. The pathogen then produces sporangia on the underside of infected leaves, which can spread and start a new infection. The disease cycle continues throughout the growing season as long as suitable conditions persist.

The walker

Severe downy mildew infections can result in significant defoliation, reduced photosynthesis, and poor fruit set, ultimately resulting in yield and quality losses.

Control strategy

An integrated approach including cultural practices, resistant varieties and fungicide applications is recommended for downy mildew management.

Preventive measures

Plant resistant or tolerant varieties, ensure good air circulation in the vineyard, and avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization.

Organic/chemical control

For organic control, copper-based fungicides (such as copper hydroxide and copper sulphate) can be effective when applied preventatively. Chemical fungicides containing active ingredients such as mandipropamide, dimethomorph, or cyazofamide may also be used according to label instructions.



Oregon State University - Grape Downy Rot https()

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