

A photo of a lemon plant suffering from lemon peel disease
Lemon peel: causes, harms, prevention

Lemon peel disease is a disease that affects lemon trees, which leads to significant economic losses. And in this article on your site botanist WORLD of PLANTS, we will dwell on the causes of this disease, methods of prevention and treatment to maintain the health of lemon trees.

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Photo of a man's hand holding a leaf from a lemon tree suffering from yellowing of lemon leaves (honglongping)
Yellowing of lemon leaves (honglongping): symptoms, harms, prevention

The disease of yellowing lemon leaves (honglongping) is one of the common problems facing lemon growers, as it negatively affects plant health and productivity. In this article on your website botanist WORLD of PLANTS, we will discuss the causes of this problem and the best ways to treat and prevent it to ensure healthy growth of lemon trees.

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Close-up of a plant with many round green fruits Description automatically generated
Citrus canker: symptoms, causes, control

تقرح الموالح هو مرض بكتيري يصيب أشجار الحمضيات، مسببًا ظهور تقرحات على الثمار والأوراق، مما يقلل من جودتها وإنتاجيتها. وفي هذه المقالة في موقعكم عالم النباتات WORLD OF PLANTS، سنتناول أسباب هذا المرض وأعراضه وكيفية الوقاية منه لحماية محصولك. أعراض تقرح الموالح الاسم الإنجليزي: Canker Citrusالاسم العلمي: Xanthomonas citri subsp. citriنوع المرض: مرض بكتيريالفصيلة: الزانثوموناداسية…

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Malsico on lemon plant: symptoms, causes, control

Malsico disease is a bacterial disease that affects lemon trees and affects the tree's health and productivity. In this article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website, we discuss the symptoms of malsico disease on lemon plants and methods of effective prevention and control.

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Melanosis on lemon - the world of plants
Melanosis on lemon: symptoms, causes, control

Melanosis is a fungal disease that affects lemon trees and causes dark spots to appear on the fruits and leaves. In this article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website, we discuss the causes of melanosis on lemon and methods of effective prevention and control.

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Brown citrus aphids and ladybug
Black aphids on lemon leaves: symptoms, causes, control

The black aphid is a pest that infects lemon leaves, causing leaf deformation and decreased productivity. In this article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website, we discuss the most important symptoms of black aphid infection on lemon leaves and methods of effective prevention and control.

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Citrus tristeza stem dieback and fruit dwarfing_43764822011_o.jpg
Tristeza virus: symptoms, causes, control

Tristeza virus is a viral disease that infects citrus trees, including lemons, and causes significant tree deterioration. In this article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website, we discuss the symptoms of infection and effective prevention and control methods.

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Sooty mold (black mold) - the world of plants
Sooty mold (black mold) on lemon: symptoms, causes, control

Sooty mold (black mold) is a fungal disease that affects many plants and greatly affects the quality of the crop. This article from the World of Plants website provides an explanation of the causes of sooty mold (black mold) on lemons, symptoms, causes, control, and effective prevention and control methods.

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Lemon Diseases And Treatment - Tips For Treating Lemon Diseases | Gardening Know How
Lemon stubborn disease: symptoms, causes, control

Lemongrass disease is a physiological disease that affects the quality of lemon fruits, causing deformities and damage to the fruits. This article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website provides an explanation of the causes of stubborn disease in lemon fruits and effective methods of prevention and treatment.

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