

Photo of the roots of a sesame plant suffering from root rot
Sesame root rot disease: causes, symptoms, control

Sesame is affected at all stages of its life by many diseases, including Sesame root rot disease. And in this article on your site botanist WORLD of PLANTS, we will review the causes and symptoms of Sesame root rot disease and how to effectively combat it to maintain plant health.

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Photo of sesame seeds suffering from leaf spot disease
Altruistic leaf spot disease: causes, symptoms, control

Leaf spot Diseases is considered one of the most important and dangerous diseases of the vegetative aggregate in sesame, especially in areas where spray irrigation is carried out. And in this article on your site botanist WORLD of PLANTS, we will review the causes and symptoms of the disease of leaf spot Alternaria and how to effectively combat it to maintain plant health.

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Photo of a plant suffering from coal rot disease in sesame - botanist
Coal rot disease in sesame: causes, symptoms, control

Sesame coal rot disease is a fungal disease that affects the Sesame plant, which negatively affects plant health and productivity. And in this article on your site botanist WORLD of PLANTS, we will dwell on the causes of this disease, its symptoms and methods of effective control.

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