
Olive diseases

An olive tree suffering from Verticillium wilt of olives
Verticillium wilt of olives

Disease name: Verticillium wilt of olive English name: Olive Verticillium Wilt Scientific name: Verticillium dahliae Type of disease: Fungal disease Family: Plectosphaerellaceae Symptoms Causes Disease cycle Losses Control strategy Preventive measures Organic/chemical control In conventional agriculture, soil fumigation can be with chemical fumigants Such as methyl bromide or dinoseb are effective in reducing the levels of infection with Verticillium fungi...

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A picture of a plant suffering from olive leaf spot disease
Olive leaf spot disease

Name of the disease: Olive leaf spot English name: Spot Leaf Olive Scientific name: Spilocaea oleagina Type of disease: Fungal disease Family: Venturiaceae Symptoms Causes Conditions of spread Losses Control strategy Preventive measures Organic/chemical control In conventional agriculture, synthetic fungicides such as trifloxystrobin or Pyraclostrobin or difenoconazole for chemical control.

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A close up of a plant Description automatically generated
Olive knot disease

English name: Olive Knot Disease Scientific name: Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi Type of disease: Bacterial disease Family: Pseudomonadaceae Symptoms Olive knot disease is characterized by the formation of tumors or knots on the branches, twigs, and trunk of the olive tree. These nodules can vary in size from small bumps to large, irregularly shaped growths. It is initially light green or yellow in color...

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Olive leaf weevil - the world of plants
Olive leaf weevil

Olive leaf weevil Scientific name: Otiorrhynchus cribricollis Family: Coleoptera Symptoms of the olive leaf weevil: Adults feed on tender leaves, although they can also cut off the buds and damage the buds (biting the edges of the leaves on a regular basis). Egg: The color is initially white, its shape is oval, and its size is 0.8 x 1 mm. turns up…

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Olive knot disease - the world of plants
Olive knot disease

Olive knot disease (olive tuberculosis) Scientific name: oliva knot disease Causative agent: Pseudomonas savastanoi. Symptoms of olive knot disease: The characteristic symptoms of infection are the appearance of balls or “knots” at the sites of infection. Balls are commonly formed in leaf nodes (sites of bud development), due to infection of leaf scars with bacteria; However, it can also form when…

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Toothed Wood Borer - Plant World
Toothed wood drill

Toothed wood borer Scientific name: Sinoxylon perforans Family: oleoptera Symptoms of the toothed wood borer: Holes of different sizes in the tree trunk What distinguishes this infestation from the bark weevil is that the drilling continues into the wood, where tunnels filled with sawdust are dug into it, and weakness appears in the tree...drying of the branches Harsh sawdust coming out of the feeding holes...

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The scale insect - the world of plants
Scale oleander insect

The scale oleander insect Scientific name: Aspidiotus hederae Vallot Family: homoptera Symptoms of the scale oleander insect: The presence of the insect on branches, leaves, and fruits. Infection on leaves and stems leads to wilting and reduces the space for photosynthesis of plants, leading to decreased production. This appears in the form of green spots on purple fruits. Description of the insect: The male is oval...

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Red scale insect - plant world
Red scale insect

Red scale insect Scientific name: Aonidiella aurantii Family: homoptera Symptoms of the red scale insect: Secretion of a toxic substance causing yellowing and stunting of the leaves, and then their fall starting from the terminal branches, yellowing of the fruits, stopping their growth, and withering of the branches. Description of the insect: The female insect has a round shell with an average diameter of (2 mm) and the color of the shell is...

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Butterfly (olive moth) - world of plants
Butterfly (olive moth) 

**Description of the insect: A small butterfly, 6 mm long, with a gray color dotted with brown and yellow. The center of the front wing has two dark spots. The back wings are yellow with a fringed edge. The larva is cylindrical, light brown or greenish gray, with longitudinal stripes. The pupa is of the type enclosed within a white silk cocoon. The damage that occurs to buds, leaves and fruits is caused by three…

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Olive freckle - the world of plants
Olive lentigo

The color of the insect is purple and is covered by a gray shell with a black umbilicus on the sides, diameter (0.9 mm). The shape of the shell is oval for the female insect and elongated for the male. Links:

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