

Bean fly - how to recognize, prevent and manage the legume pest
Bean leaf miner fly

Bean fly miner Name of the disease Bean fly miner Scientific name Melanagromyza phaseoli Type of disease Disease family Type: Insect Disease Family: Agromyzidae Symptoms of the bean fly The larvae feed in the leaf tissue, creating winding tunnels between the epidermis of the leaf until they reach near one of the veins of the leaf and then move towards To the neck of the leaf and enters below the skin of the stem...

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Plantwise Knowledge Bank
Bean anthracnose

Bean anthracnose Name of the disease Bean anthracnose disease that affects beans Anthracnose Scientific name Colletotrichum lindemuthianum Type of disease Disease family Type: Fungal Disease family: Glomerellaceae Symptoms of bean anthracnose Symptoms of the disease appear on the pods in the form of sunken reddish-brown spots. These spots extend to the seeds when the infected seeds are planted. The infection appears and the symptoms appear on the leaves in the form of…

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Common bacterial blight of beans, fuscous blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli)
Common blight of beans

مرض اللفحة العادية في الفاصوليا Common blight of beans اسم المرض مرض اللفحة العادية في الفاصوليا Common blight of beans الاسم العلمي بكتريا Xanthomonas campestris pv.phaseoli نوع المرض عائلة المرض نوع: بكتيري عائلة المرض: Xanthomonadaceae أعراض مرض اللفحة العادية في الفاصوليا بقع صغيرة مائية شفافة قطرها حوالي 2 مم يتحول لونها مع تقدم الإصابة إلي…

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