

الحشرة القشرية على التين - عالم النباتات - اكتشف الذكاء الاصطناعي والزراعة
Scale insect on figs: causes, symptoms, prevention

The scale insect on figs is considered a pest that affects the quality and quantity of production. In this article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website, we review the symptoms of infection, how to prevent it, and appropriate control methods.

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Black fig fruit fly - the world of plants
Black fig fruit fly: causes, control

The black fig fruit fly, Lonchaea aristella insect, is considered one of the dangerous agricultural pests for figs and its cultivation, especially as it weakens the trees and exposes them to attack by other insects and various agricultural pests. It also weakens crop production and the marketing value of the fruits. What are the signs of fig fruit fly infection, and how can the fly be combated? Fig fruits?

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Fig psyllid disease - plant world
Fig psyllid disease: symptoms, causes, control

The fig psylla is considered one of the annoying pests that infect fig trees and affect their growth. In this article on your site, World of Plants, we will shed light on the symptoms of infection and methods of control.

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