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ToggleBean anthracnose is a fungal disease that infects plants, causing dark spots on leaves and pods, affecting the quality and productivity of the crop. In this article on your website, WORLD OF PLANTS, we will review the symptoms of the disease and ways to prevent it to protect bean crops.
Symptoms of bean anthracnose
Name of the diseaseAnthracnose: Bean anthracnose disease that affects beans
Scientific name: Colletotrichum lindemuthianum
Type of disease: innate type
Disease family: Glomerellaceae
Symptoms of the disease appear on the pods in the form of sunken reddish-brown spots. These spots extend to the seeds. When the infected seeds are planted, the infection appears and the symptoms appear on the leaves in the form of brown spots. The spots expand and reach about one centimeter in diameter and become in the form of sunken pimples inside the fruit tissue with a brown color. Dark in the center surrounded by a raised brown rim. The infection spreads to include most parts of the century, which becomes susceptible to infection with secondary mold fungi.
Causes of bean anthracnose
The fungus Colletotrichium lindymethianum lives in soil, infected seeds, and plant debris. It is a fungus that overwinters on alternative hosts. Fungal spores are transferred to growing seedlings by rain, dew, or working in the field when foliage is wet. Therefore, it is important to stop activity in the field (workers, processing, etc.) if the foliage is wet from rain or dew. Cold to moderate temperatures (13-21 degrees Celsius) and periods of frequent rainfall are favorable conditions for the growth and transmission of fungi, which leads to an increased incidence and severity of infection. .
Suitable conditions for the spread of bean anthracnose
High humidity and high temperature are sometimes considered factors that encourage bean anthracnose to grow and reproduce continuously and in continuous ways. The amount of rain, irrigation using spraying, and the various agricultural service methods that are used in field crops allow these diseases to continue in the growth process and cause severe damage and may cause Death and drought of agricultural crops.
Disease development cycle
Infected seeds constitute the main source of infection with the disease. It has been found that the fungus is able to maintain its life in infected pods and seeds for 5 years when stored at a temperature of 4°C. The fungus can also overwinter in infected crop residue.
This fits the development and spread the disease Cold to moderate weather, high humidity, in addition to the availability of free water on the shoots and pods. The availability of moisture is necessary for the formation, spread, and germination of spores, and for infection to occur. The period from the occurrence of infection to the appearance of symptoms of the disease extends from 4 to 9 days, depending on the temperature, the sensitivity of the cultivated variety, and the stage of plant growth. Conidial spores of the fungus are easily carried to healthy plants by rain and wind spray, so the infection with this disease is more severe in rainy weather.

Losses of disease spread
Known Leaf spot disease And pods, the disease also directly affects production and causes a loss in production ranging between 90 and 100%.
Control strategy
- Mechanical control
- Physical control (tillage, sanitation, pruning, solarization)
- Fungicides
Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease
You should use reliable, pathogen-free seeds.
And planting varieties that are resistant or susceptible to infection.
Monitor plants or fields for any sign of the disease spreading.
Avoid excessive weed growth (as weeds can be alternate hosts) near your farm.
You must provide good drainage in the field.
Avoid working in the field when foliage is wet, and clean your tools and equipment.
Crop rotation with non-host crops is recommended every three years.
You should bury infected plant debris after harvesting or dig it out and burn it.
Chemical control recommendations
Copper oxychloride
Anti-membership recommendations
Biological agents may help control the infection. These include the fungi Trichoderma harzinium and the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens, which are used as seed treatments and compete with pathogenic fungi. Biofungicides based on copper oxychloride 3 g/L can also be sprayed once every 15 days.
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