Black aphids on lemon leaves: symptoms, causes, control

Brown citrus aphids and ladybug

The black aphid is a pest that infects lemon leaves, causing leaf deformation and decreased productivity. In this article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website, we discuss the most important symptoms of black aphid infection on lemon leaves and methods of effective prevention and control.

Causes of black aphid disease on lemon leaves

Disease name: Black aphid on lemon leaves
Scientific name: Aphidoidea
Type of disease: aphid
Disease family: Aphid

Aphids attack the leaves of lemon plants, feeding on the leaves and producing a sticky substance (honeydew). Honeydew is a source of attraction for the sooty mold fungus. Aphids can pose a threat to small trees, but they are considered minor pests.

Symptoms of black aphid disease on lemon leaves

Tree aphids suck the sap from the leaves, causing the leaves to become wrinkled, twisted, and yellow in color, giving the infected leaves a distorted appearance. As the severity of the infestation increases, leaves fall and the death of twigs and branches can be observed. Honeydew also attracts a number of insects, the most important of which are ants.

Development cycle of black aphid disease on lemon leaves

Females do not need to mate to produce young and do not lay eggs. Female aphids are born pregnant, so live young are produced through a process called parthenogenesis.

Suitable conditions for the spread of black aphid on lemon leaves

Aphids need dry conditions and a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius or higher to reproduce, and an entire generation can develop in one week, as the nymphs mature within 6-8 days, so a single aphid can produce more than 4,400 insects in three weeks in the absence of enemies. Natural.

Brown citrus aphids and ladybug
Black aphids attack lemon plant branches

Losses resulting from the spread of black aphids attacking lemon plant branches

When the numbers of aphids are small, they do not cause significant harm to the tree, but if appropriate conditions are available for aphids to multiply, the numbers of aphids can increase very quickly and cause serious damage to the lemon tree during the growing season, including plant weakness and the spread of sooty mold, which affects the number and quality of fruits. .

Controlling black aphids attacking lemon plant branches

  1. In the event of a large outbreak of the disease, an insecticide containing pyrethroids is used. The spray should be directed towards the undersides of leaves and the areas where aphids are concentrated.
  2. Spray the leaves with agricultural soap in early summer and as needed.
  3. Use winter oil to reduce colonies on the plant during the winter.
  4. Use an appropriate amount of less soluble nitrogen fertilizers and use them in small batches throughout the season instead of applying a large amount at once.
  5. Wash plants infected with aphids by directing a strong spray of water at them to wash away the honeydew, which causes the aphids to fall.

Preventive measures to attack black aphids on lemon plant branches

  1. Carry out pruning to ventilate the trees and get rid of infected buds and branches.
  2. Use aphid-resistant seedlings.
  3. Constantly cleaning the field of harmful plants and plant remains around the trees.
  4. Continuous monitoring of the field for early detection of infection.
  5. Clean agricultural tools before use.

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