Lack of nutrients in pepper plants

Lack of nutrients in pepper plants

  • Zinc deficiency
Causes and symptomstreatment Soils suffer from zinc deficiency when the soil is organic, alkaline, and rich in phosphorus in cold, humid conditions. Pepper plants become stunted and their leaves decrease in size, as zinc contributes to plant growth and increased fruit production.

(Pepper plants are stunted due to zinc deficiency)

Spray the crop with zinc fertilizer or apply it to the soil.
  • Nitrogen deficiency
Causes and symptomstreatment
Acidic and sandy soils are considered the most susceptible to nitrogen deficiency. A decrease or increase in the level of organic matter, especially when the soil is exposed to heavy rainfall or heavy irrigation, are factors that increase the severity of the deficiency.

Lack of nutrients in pepper plants - Plant World Symptoms of infection appear on the leaves, as they become small and turn yellow and pale green throughout the plant, which leads to the early death of the lower leaves, and affects the growth of the plant in general, as the nitrogen element contributes to enhancing the growth of roots, shoots, and fruit set.

(Yellowing of pepper leaves due to nitrogen deficiency)

Apply a fertilizer containing nitrogen from NPK to the soil.
  • Iron deficiency
Causes and symptomstreatment Soils with a high pH and calcareous soils, which are high in copper, manganese or zinc, are more susceptible to iron deficiency.

Symptoms of iron deficiency appear on the terminal leaves, causing a yellow change in the color of the veins. The leaves also appear wilted and flabby, and the younger upper leaves show a change in yellow color. Iron is essential for the plant’s photosynthesis process and is important for strengthening the leaves and increasing the growth and productivity of the pepper crop.

(Yellowing of pepper leaves due to iron deficiency)

Spraying the crop with iron or applying it to the soil.
  • Calcium deficiency
Causes and symptomstreatment
Acidic, sandy soils and soils rich in sodium and aluminum are most susceptible to calcium deficiency. Symptoms of calcium deficiency appear in the form of large, sunken, water-soaked spots that eventually turn black. Calcium helps in forming a strong cell wall and thus the safety and quality of the plant and fruits.

(The appearance of dark spots on pepper fruits as a result of calcium deficiency)

Spray the crop with calcium fertilizer or apply it to the soil using NPK fertilizer.

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