Lack of major nutrients in onion plants

Lack of macronutrients in onion plants - Plant World
  • Lack of major nutrients in onion plants
  • Phosphorus deficiency

the reasons



Phosphorus deficiency increases due to acidic or very alkaline soils and iron-rich soils under cold or humid weather conditions, as phosphorus is important for energy transfer within the plant and therefore has a direct impact on the crop and its quality.

Lack of macronutrients in onion plants - Plant World

Phosphorus deficiency affects the rooting process and may stop, affecting plant growth.

Fertilize the soil directly with NPK fertilizer.

  • Magnesium deficiency

the reasons



Magnesium deficiency is common due to sandy and acidic soils rich in potassium in wet and cold weather conditions, as magnesium is important for the production of chlorophyll and improves resistance to rot.

Old leaves turn completely yellow along their entire length due to chlorophyll deficiency. As the deficiency progresses, the leaves turn brown and the tips of the leaves die.

Avoid excessive fertilization of the soil with potassium, and apply magnesium directly to the soil.

  • Calcium deficiency

the reasons



Calcium deficiency: Calcium is considered a very important nutrient for onion growth, root stability and elongation, and improving its storage quality. The deficiency is exacerbated in acidic and sandy soils rich in sodium and aluminium.

The tips of the leaves die off without any previous leaf yellowing, causing the upper part of the leaf to fall off and die.

Apply calcium directly to the soil.

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