Cucumber mosaic 

Cucumber mosaic - the world of plants

Disease name: Cucumber mosaic 

 The scientific name: Cucumber Mosaic

  Disease family: It affects many vegetables and ornamental plants and is one of the most important diseases that affect cucumbers 

 Symptoms of the disease: Yellow color appears on new leaves, followed by mottling. Small plants become distorted, and signs of mottling also appear on the fruits. You may notice outward protrusions resembling warts, which are dark green in color, and the fruits become distorted. Death may occur in cases of severe infection. The majority of infection occurs when the plants in the field are about six weeks old, and symptoms of mosaic appear five days after the infection occurs.   

 The causes of disease: It is caused by the cucumber mosaic virus, which remains in the grass during the absence of the crop and may be transmitted through wild cucumber seeds or through aphids. The severity of the infection increases after the first harvest, and it can be transmitted through the hands of workers during the harvesting operations. 

 Conditions suitable for the spread of the disease: The disease develops at temperatures ranging from 15 to 28 degrees. At low temperatures, the activity of the virus decreases and it remains alive inside the plant tissues. When the temperature rises, the virus becomes active, and the symptoms of stunting and mottling appear clearly on the plants. 

 Disease development cycle: Cytomegalovirus is transmitted by aphids and parasitic weeds. In laboratory conditions, the virus can be transmitted mechanically through plant sap and transmitted through seeds. The large number of hosts allows CMV to transcend the season from one crop to the next by surviving in plant roots.

Losses from the spread of disease: It is one of the most important diseases that affect cucumbers, and it may lead to the elimination of a large percentage of plants, in addition to a decrease in the quantity of the crop and poor quality of the fruits. 

 Control strategy: Timing: It is easier to control pests during the early stages and is more cost effective. The field should be monitored on a weekly basis to look for the presence of insects that carry the disease.

Sterilization: You must keep the surroundings near the crops clean by getting rid of weeds, plant dirt, damaged parts, and unwanted plants to grow. This is also the case with the surroundings of plants that are not plowed and unprotected.

Growing inside structures: Keep the structures closed and the nets free of holes.

 Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease: There are no treatments for viruses. As infected plants cannot recover; Therefore, the focus should be on preventing the spread of the virus. If only a few plants are affected, they should be removed from the field.

 Organic and chemical control recommendations:

  1. Aphids must be prevented from entering greenhouses by using muslin, and aphids must be controlled with insecticides because they are an important factor in transmitting the disease. Sick plants should also be disposed of and burned. 

  2. Removing the weeds that the virus resorts to in the absence of a suitable host. 

  3. Use resistant varieties, such as: Miracross F, Mirella, Beta Alpha, Darina F, Victory F, Melani, Elon, 

  4. Reducing movement between plants as much as possible and washing hands to avoid transmitting the disease while treating plants, as well as uprooting infected plants if symptoms of the disease appear on them, so that they are not a source of infection. 

  5. Do not plant some crops, such as: spinach, bananas, tobacco, tomatoes, tulips, gladioli, beets, cabbage beans and cauliflower near crops of the Cucurbit family because they are suitable hosts for the virus. 

 Cucumber mosaic - the world of plantsCucumber mosaic - the world of plantsCucumber mosaic - the world of plants

the reviewer: 

Garden and home pests - University of Jordan

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