From mealy peaches 

From the mealybug - the world of plants
  • The scientific name : Hyalopterus pruni Geiffr 
  • the family : homoptera 
  • Symptoms of the disease
  • Covering the leaves with a white powdery fluff. 
  • Honeydew covers the plant's leaves and small branches. 
  • Twisting and wrinkling of leaves. 
  • Terminal paper falling. 
  • The infection stunts the plant's growth and reduces its overall production. 

From the mealybug - the world of plants

*Description of the insect: 

Small to medium-sized insect with a rectangular shape. It is usually pale green with smooth dark green spots, its chest is black, covered with wax, the tail is dark, the body length is 2.5-4.1 times the base, there are dark red forms as well as green forms. 
From the mealybug - the world of plants

From the mealybug - the world of plants

  • The causes of disease : 
  • The presence of suitable environmental conditions for the insect, especially low humidity and high temperatures.
  •  Weeds infested field 
  • Failure to sterilize farms.
  • Frequent use of chemicals 
  • Conditions suitable for the spread of the disease
  •  Hyperthermia (greatest relative survival of nymphs at 26°C, average daily fecundity lowest at 14°C and highest at 22°C, adult longevity with higher temperature. 
  • Disease development cycle
  • The fertilized winter egg that resides in the crevices and bark of trees hatches in early spring into small nymphs to produce wingless females that reproduce asexually for several generations and are permanently found on the lower surface of leaves, secreting honeydew. 
  • Winged females appear in late spring and mid-June to migrate to their summer hosts (reeds). 
  • These insects reproduce for several generations on the summer host until the fall, when the winged individuals appear again and return to their host. We notice males and females, mating and the laying of winter eggs occur.

From the mealybug - the world of plants

  • Losses of disease spread 
  • Insects that feed on plant sap can cause significant crop losses, ranging from 70% to 80%, due to stunted growth, deformation, wilting, and other adverse effects on plants.

From the mealybug - the world of plants

  • Control strategy 
  • Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease 
  • Accurate identification of insects is crucial for early detection of their damage in the initial stages 
  • Taking care of the orchard in general, including regular irrigation and removing weeds  
  •  Prune excess and intertwined branches, as they are often susceptible to infection.
  • Balanced fertilization. 
  • Chemical and organic control recommendations 
  • Organic control: With the arrival of autumn, the root zone is covered with ash and poured well with boiling water. Melted ash, which is absorbed into the root,this method repel aphids. 
  • Exochomus nigromaculatus as a biological control agent at 30 degrees. 
  • In addition, the boiling water poured kills insect larvae deposited under the bark at the bottom of the plant.
  • Plant spices around infected trees. Aphids do not tolerate the smell of herbs
  • Chemical control: The use of modern systemic pesticides specialized for aphids in the spring and immediately after the eggs hatch, such as carbamate, terazol, and strobilin pesticides. 
  • References 
  • Atlıhan, R., & Özgökçe, M. S. (2002). Development, fecundity and prey consumption of Exochomus nigromaculatus feeding on Hyalopterus pruni. Phytoparasitica, 30, 443-450 
  • Tayat, Esra; ÖZDER, Nihal. Research on the morphological and molecular diagnosis of Hyalopterus pruni (Geoffroy). Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2023, 20.3: 723-730. 
  • LATHAM, Daniel R.; MILLS, Nicholas J. Effects of temperature on the life history parameters and population growth rates of Hyalopterus pruni (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Journal of economic entomology, 2011, 104.6: 1864-1869. 
  • Blackman & Eastop list 22 species of aphid as feeding on apricot (Prunus armeniaca) worldwide, and provide formal identification keys (Show World list). Of those aphid species, Baker (2015) lists 14 as occurring in Britain (Show British list). 


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