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TogglePeach leaf bore is a fungal disease that causes spots and cracks in the leaves of peach trees, impairing the tree's growth. This article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website reviews the causes of infection and effective control methods.
Symptoms of peach leaf borer disease
- Name of the disease: Perforation of peach leaves
- Scientific name: Stigmina carpophila
- Disease family: It infects peaches, apricots and almonds in the rain-fed regions of Jordan.
Symptoms initially appear in the form of circular red or purple spots that soon dry up and fall off, leaving behind holes that may reach 4 mm in diameter (as shown in the picture). Buds are noted to die and new branches become glued (as seen in the picture). If the fruits are infected, they appear on them. Small circular pustules on the surface with gum appearing in the fruits.
Causes of peach leaf hole disease
The disease is caused by the fungus Stigmina carpophila, which belongs to Mycobacterium imperfecta.
Suitable conditions for the spread of the disease: moderate temperatures ranging from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius are suitable for the development of the disease, and it requires moderate humidity, as high humidity helps in the rapid appearance of symptoms.
Development cycle of peach leaf bore disease
Conidial spores are in a bundle of conidia, and the fungus spends its dormant period on tree buds and branches in the form of mycelium threads. The causative fungi spend inter-seasonal periods in tree cankers and the dormant fungi become active in the spring to cause primary infection. Germs require 24 hours of continuous wetness to cause infection.
Losses from the spread of peach leaf borer disease
It primarily affects plant growth and production quality.
Strategy for controlling peach leaf borer disease
It is easier to defeat insects during the early stages and is more cost effective. The field should also be monitored routinely and looked for the presence of the above signs.
Fungal treatments work to protect buds and branches from infection in orchards, and the effectiveness of treatment can be improved by pruning and burning pruning residues. In orchards that have a history of this disease, spraying during the dormant period helps protect against this disease.
Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of peach leaf borer disease
- Disposal of infected plant waste. Avoid spraying water on the bottom of the plant when irrigating.
- Take care of potassium fertilization, as it has a role in reducing the incidence of disease.
- Perform good pruning by opening the heart of the tree to improve ventilation and allow the sun to enter the trees.
Recommendations for organic and chemical control of peach leaf borer disease
Trees are sprayed with fungicides such as Benelite, Bordeaux mixture, or Captan from the beginning of the leaves opening, and spraying must be before June when symptoms of the disease appear.
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