Mesophyll breakdown in lemon plant


Disease name: Mesophyll collapse in lemon plant

The scientific name: mesophyll collapse

Type of disease: change in weather conditions

(Mesophyll collapse on lemon leaves)

  • The causes of disease:

It is a non-pathogenic disorder that affects lemon leaves, and until now the cause of this disease is not known. This phenomenon is common during the fall, as the shock of sudden cold temperatures, which is exacerbated by the wind, leads to the collapse of the mesophyll, which consists of one or more layers of cylindrical cells stacked on top of each other. Some towards the top of the leaf.

  • Symptoms of the disease:

The yellow leaves are more susceptible to this strange disorder, especially during the fall when the length of the days becomes shorter, which leads to sudden drought, which is a strong incentive for the leaves to wilt and dry quickly and remain on the tree, but often the affected leaves suddenly fall off.

  • Disease development cycle:

The disorder begins in the form of transparent, irregular areas of different sizes spread throughout the leaf blade. One or more light green spots may appear, then they later turn brown when cells within the tissue die, giving these areas a transparent appearance. They are not affected. Barrier and epidermal tissues initially die but may die later.

  • Conditions suitable for the spread of the disease:

Low soil moisture and hot, dry winds are for this reason. Water shortages also cause mesophyll collapse, but mite feeding, damaged root systems and excessive transpiration are also associated with mesophyll collapse. Nutritional imbalances in lemon plants also cause mesophyll collapse.

  • Losses resulting from the spread of the disease:

Mesophyll collapse disease is not serious, and trees recover naturally the following spring with little or no loss in production.

  • Control and preventive measures:

Good fertilization helps the plant withstand the change in weather.

Build windbreaks to avoid injury.

Cultivation of disease-resistant species.

Constantly monitor the crop to detect and treat the disease.

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