Black leg

Blackleg - the world of plants

Black leg

Fungal disease

A fungal infection that affects young plants, manifesting itself as a dark line down the lower part of the stem. At this point, the stem dries up and the eggplant dies. The provoking factor is excess moisture in the soil, which contributes to the development of fungi.

A plant affected by black leg cannot be treated. It must also be removed and the soil treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, to remove excess moisture from the soil, sprinkle the soil with a little sand.

The leaves show yellowing and an abnormal appearance, distorted and twisted. Dry, dead spots appear in the center of the yellowed areas on the leaves.

The fruits on the trees appear abnormal and their peel is covered with black and brown spots.

Fungal growth can be seen on the yellowed areas and secretions emerge from them.

Abundant gummy secretions may appear from the affected areas on the foreskin (gum

Symptoms can be seen at all stages of plant growth and on all parts of it. The leaves show symptoms of yellowing, distortion and curling. Dry, dead spots appear in the middle of the yellowed parts of the leaves. As the disease progresses, dry parts fall off and leaves appear torn. The fruits appear abnormal, with black and brown spots on their peel. In later stages, fungal growths appear on the affected parts and secretions emerge from them. The fruits show symptoms of wilting, dry out, and shrink. Ulcers appear on the bark of trees and acquire a dark brown color. Abundant gummy secretions appear on the ulcers (gluing). When the internal tissue is cut, signs of discoloration and rot appear in general. The plant appears wilted, and in severe cases the plant falls.

Cause of disease

The fungus Phytophthora nicotianae can infect many species

The famous plant in horticulture. This makes it a dangerous pest.

This fungus lives naturally and permanently in lands, especially in environments

Hot or moderate humid. The presence of water in the environment is an essential factor

For the survival, reproduction and spread of the fungus. Therefore, rainwater and irrigation water are separated

The primary means of spreading disease is the transmission of spores from plants

etc. Mushroom spores can also remain in irrigation water and become contaminated

Drains and drains are transported long distances away from the site of the disease

the original

The spots increase in size, unite, become dark, and move up the leg. The inner tissue of the stem turns black and rots, causing an imbalance in the movement of water and nutrients inside the plant and preventing them from reaching the upper parts. The leaves wilt and turn yellow, then turn brown and their edges curl. The plant may fall and die or be easily pulled out of the soil

Cigar Float Rot Disease in Bananas - Plant World

Organic control

Control of this fungus depends greatly on the type of crop and the environment. Many antifungals have been used against Aspergillus terreus, such as Phytophthora nicotianae Trichoderma, Pseudomonas putida, and Bacteria harzianum. Copper pesticides can also be used once every 2-3 months during rainy seasons. Infected tree bark can also be removed and its place covered with copper fungicide.

Chemical control

Integrated methods of preventive measures must always be followed, along with the use of biological control methods, if available. In some crops, both metalaxyl and phosphonates can be used to combat the disease. However, resistance to metalaxyl has appeared in some strains of the fungus

Preventative measurements

Use disease-free and certified seedlings.

Use tolerant varieties.

Watering should not be overdone.

Infected plants and branches must be removed and disposed of.

Ensure good drainage of plants.

Avoid causing injuries to plants during service operations.

Avoid working in the field when the leaves are wet

Cigar Float Rot Disease in Bananas - Plant World

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