Common blight of beans

Common bacterial blight of beans, fuscous blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli)

Common blight of beans

  • Name of the disease

Common blight of beans

  • The scientific name

Bacteria Xanthomonas campestris pv.phaseoli

  • Type of disease Family of disease

Type: bacterial

Disease family: Xanthomonadaceae

  • symptoms Common blight of beans

Small, watery, transparent spots about 2 mm in diameter that turn yellowish brown as the infection progresses and are surrounded by a small halo 2-3 mm wide of pale yellow tissue. As the infection progresses, the spots coalesce and large areas of tissue die. Papers Similar spots form on the stems and petioles of the leaves, except that they are rectangular in shape, and the seeds may become infected, shrink, wrinkle, and take on a reddish-brown color.

  • Causes of common blight in beans

Bacteria move between the rows of cells and secrete enzymes that decompose the middle lamina of these cells, which leads to tissue decomposition and death and the appearance of the aforementioned symptoms. Likewise, microbes emerge from the stomata to the surface of the leaves.

  • Suitable conditions for the spread of common blight in beans

In warm, humid weather with or without rain at temperatures from 28°C to 32°C.

  • Development cycle of common blight in beans

Bacteria are found on infected plant residues and in seeds. The infection begins with the growth of bacteria on the shoot, and thus the infection occurs in the cotyledon leaves as they penetrate the soil. They enter through cracks in the cuticle layer, and growth increases between the rows of cells until it reaches the vascular tissue, where it is transmitted through the xylem vessels and Thus, symptoms occur on the stem and leaves. Infection can then occur through the entry of bacteria transmitted by.

Wind, dirt, humans, animals, rain water, through the holes in the leaves.

  • Photos of the disease at its beginning and after its spread, in high quality, at least 5 photos in high quality

Symptoms Of Common Blight In Beans - Tips On Bacterial Bean Blight Treatment | Gardening Know How

Bacterial Blights: Common Bacterial Blight (CBB), Halo Blight, and Bacterial Brown Spot (BBS) – Dry Bean Agronomy

Common bacterial blight of beans, fuscous blight (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli)

Pods affected with common bacterial blight show water-soaking that can be in a small or large section. Numerous necrotic spots can also be noticed on the pods.

Common bacterial blight

  • Losses of disease spread

The disease spreads throughout most parts of the world. It has been known in the United States of America since 1886. It affects most types of beans, including green and dry types.

  • Control strategy
  • Mechanical control
  • Physical control (tillage, sanitation, pruning, solarization)
  • Biocides
  • Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease

1- Planting and breeding varieties resistant to the disease. It has been found that most dry seed varieties are highly susceptible to the disease.

2- Use clean seeds free of infection.

3- Remove the remains of the bean plants and dispose of them with complete care.

  • Antibiotic recommendations

Use antibiotics such as Streptomycin sulphate solution at a rate of 200 parts per million, and immerse seeds whose safety is doubtful in it for 10-30 minutes. The solution may be sprayed with a concentration of 300 parts per million and a little glycerin added to it.

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