Gray mold on cucurbits: symptoms, causes, control 

Gray mold on cucurbits - Plant World

Gray mold is a fungal disease that affects cucurbit plants, causing rot in the fruits and a decrease in their quality. This article from the “WORLD OF PLANTS” website discusses how to prevent and effectively control gray mold disease on cucurbits.

 Symptoms of gray mold on cucurbits

  • Name of the disease: Gray mold on cucurbits 
  •  Scientific name: Botrytis cinerea
  • Disease family It attacks a large number of vegetable crops, as it appears on legumes, lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots. 

The fruits in the flower tip area are affected by gray rot that extends along the length of the fruit, as are the leaves and any wounded part of the plant. 

 Causes of gray mold on cucurbits

Wounds, dampness due to excessive watering 

 Suitable conditions for the spread of gray mold on cucurbits

The development of the disease is suitable for temperatures between 15 to 20 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity between 90 to 95%, which is sufficient to destroy the entire crop. 

 Development cycle of gray mold disease on cucurbits

Gray mold is a saprophytic plant, meaning it can live on dead plant debris. Their life cycle includes mycelia, conidia (for dispersal), and sclerotia (for survival). The fungus will germinate when conditions are suitable and produce conidia that spread with the release of spores from infected plant tissue by wind, water spray and mechanical means.

Gray mold tends to attack infected plant tissue. Infection generally begins after germs enter an existing wound. Spores can develop over a wide range of temperatures from 8 to 20°C. As the disease progresses, dense, gray-brown fuzzy fungi form and cause the affected tissue to dry out. Gray rot can also occur after harvest.

 Losses of the spread of gray mold disease on cucurbits

It makes the fruits watery and unfit for consumption. 

 Strategy to control gray mold disease on cucurbits

Timing: It is easier to defeat insects during the early stages and is more cost effective. The field should also be monitored routinely and looked for the presence of the above signs. There are many methods that can be followed during the growth phase of the crop to reduce the chances of infection and its spread:

  • Maintain sufficient space: You should avoid planting plants too densely in order to allow light to pass through to the plants. This allows leaves and fruits to dry quickly on humid days.
  • Sterilization: Plant dirt should be removed during the plowing process. You should sterilize equipment that comes into contact with infected plants. Do not allow equipment or workers to pass through the field when plant leaves are wet.
  • Air movement: In enclosed structures, foliage drying should be improved and humidification periods shortened by creating ventilated areas with mesh curtains.
  • Soil drainage: The presence of standing water will promote the disease.
  • Other methods of reducing humidity include covering the ground with polyethylene sheets in order to reduce soil evaporation.

 Preventive measures to prevent gray mold disease on cucurbits

Avoid humidity, constant sterilization, and avoid causing wounds. 

 Recommendations for organic and chemical control of gray mold disease on cucurbits

  1. Use varieties that are resistant or tolerant to the disease.
  2. Moderate irrigation and reduce moisture accumulation inside protected crops through ventilation and fans. 
  3. Chemical control: Carbendazim and Captan are among the best pesticides.
  4. Avoid wounds and keep the field clean by removing the remains of old and weak leaves. 

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